The new Squarespace 'Fluid Engine'

Squarespace have finally rolled out their new ‘Fluid Engine’ on version 7.1 sites and according to them…

With Fluid Engine, you’ll have more flexibility and options for block placement, resizing, and overlap, opening up new possibilities for creative layouts never possible before in Squarespace.
— Squarespace marketing jargon

So far, aside from a few bugs, this does appear to be true! Another awesome feature is that you now have complete control over the mobile layout, separate from the ‘Desktop’ layout (for large screens).

It’s really great for website designers like me but it could potentially be confusing if you have a Squarespace site and you are not that comfortable with editing it yourself.

Just keep in mind that you don’t have to use it on your existing site (it won’t even be available to you if you are on a pre 7.1 Squarespace site) and you can just ignore the little ‘UPGRADE’ icon in the top left that you should see when editing a page.

However, if you do click that icon it will change you from the current page-building system over to the new Fluid Engine. That change doesn’t apply to your entire site, but just for that ‘section’ you are on.

If you are interested in using the new Fluid Engine here’s the official support documentation from Squarespace, but for a quick overview then I’d recommend checking out this video by a helpful chap called Will Myers.

I’m not affiliated with Will, but I thought it’s also worth pointing out that he has a bunch of really great plug-ins available for Squarespace that accomplish tasks that are not built into Squarespace.

My favorite is a plugin which allows you to easily have tabbed content in Squarespace. If you’d like something like this added to your site, then reach out and I’ll get it sorted.


‘Tabs’ plugin


Website designer and developer based in Dunedin, New Zealand.